Friday, December 28, 2007
Tuesday, December 25, 2007
Merry Christmas to All
After preparing the food for Christmas Day we went to see National Treasure 2 and then to dinner at PF Changs. It was a nice little date with just me and my mom and I have to say it was such a nice treat. I rarely get a chance to spend time with my mom let alone spend time just the two of us. So it was nice to just be able to hang out and spend some quality time together. After dinner and a movie we came back to relax, watch the Holiday and open presents. It was a very relaxing night and it has been so long since I've had time where I had no worries or stress. Best present of the evening was by far my new ipod nano :-) Mom got it for me and I'm so excited for it! It plays videos and everything! And not only that but my old nano was on the fritz and heading out the door so now I have a new toy to play with.
Christmas day was also full of excitement and cheer. We headed up to Poway for most of the day to spend Christmas at Dawn and Gerry's. We had a late brunch, ruby slippers (champagne and pomegranate juice) and relaxed for the day. We opened presents and I have to say that although my Ipod Nano was my favorite gift from Christmas Eve, the day switched my favorite gift to one from my sister. She bought me a little jewelry box which was made in Poland and inside of it was her Tiffany's heart necklace. She passed it on to me with a very special message and I have to say that it was very touching. So Sister I thank you. And I will do my best to follow your words of advice.
After hanging out a little while longer we had an amazing dinner (prime rib and turkey prepared by Nick), good conversation, and then made my way back to Nicole's house. So I'm now sitting back and reflecting on the holiday passed and I have to say that my outlook for the coming year is bright. This year has been a year of many struggles and pains, but also one of many joyous occasions. But as I look to the new year I see so much on the horizon. As both my sister and my mother have helped me realize, 2008 is a year for me to take a journey and truly begin to figure out what I want from my life. To take action and try to improve current situations and really come into my own. And I'm ready for it. To take chances, to branch out and step away from my norm.
So although we're still just celebrating is to a fabulous new year! As my mom has said all day long "Its Gonna be Great in 2008".....happy mom?? haha love you!
p.s. pics of the day will be posted shortly!
Sunday, December 23, 2007
The Joys of Family
Mom and I had dinner up at Dawn and Gerry's tonight and were able to sit back, relax and enjoy great company. (Dawn and Gerry are the sister's new in-laws....and they're are family now!) Its so great how life brings people into your lives and into your families. I have met so many amazing people during my times here in SD and also my times back home in Vegas and I truly know that the people in my life add so much beauty and happiness to it.
oh and a side note: Joe might come for New Years :-)
another piece of great news to add to the holidays!!
Saturday, December 22, 2007
Rocco's Modern Life
Main example: Nicole leaves the tv on when Rocco's home alone because she's said he actually watches it. Never really believed it till today. I came home from the basketball game flipped the tv channel from animal planet (Rocco's preferred channel =P) and nothing was really on. The only thing I could find at the time was 101 dalmations and it had just started. So I'm sitting here watching, Rocco's on his dog bed. and oh yes, the pup does WATCH tv!! He bobs his head up and down and barks back at the dogs. Its hilarious. He has reactions to the scary Cruella and I'm amazed. Never again will I doubt this. haha
Friday, December 21, 2007
House Sitting
But her pup just makes me realize more and more how much i want a dog of my own. Well I relocate to a new place in May , so in 5 short months I will hopefully have a place that I can keep a dog and not worry about him being locked up all day. So its only a matter of time till I finally get my pup.
But besides the house sitting and my fun with Rocco I got some more AMAZING news today. I get into work today to find an email from Joe. And the email says that he was in Germany and catching a plane home in about an hour (the email was sent at 3am PST) So then about 6pm this evening I get a phone call from Joe and he is finally stateside!! :-)
I can't express how unbelievably happy I am that he is home safe and sound. And soon he'll be back on the west coast. Joe if you're reading this....I can't wait to see you :-)
Thursday, December 20, 2007
A New Day, A New Hair Color
Yes. I did. I colored it. By myself. And it actually turned out well. I went a little bit darker than my natural color and now I have a light brown color with a tint of red to it. And I like it. No pictures yet, but I will post when I have some.
But I thought I'd share the news. I dont know what caused me to do it. About a week ago I was saying to myself how I needed to lighten my hair because it had been so long since I'd done that. Then I started getting compliments about how my hair was looking darker and everyone really liked it. So I thought I'd add a little bit of warmth to it and give it a boost. So I have. And now time will tell whether I really like it or if this was just whim.
Post your thoughts. :-)
Tuesday, December 18, 2007
People come into your life for a reason, a season or a lifetime. When you know which one it is, you will know what to do for that person.
When someone is in your life for a REASON, it is usually to meet a need you have expressed. They have come to assist you through a difficulty, to provide you with guidance and support, to aid you physically, emotionally or spiritually. They may seem like a godsend and they are They are there for the reason you need them to be. Then, without any wrongdoing on your part or at an inconvenient time, this person will say or do something to bring the relationship to an end. Sometimes they die. Sometimes they walk away. Sometimes they act up and force you to take a stand. What we must realize is that our need has been met, our desire fulfilled, their work is done. The prayer you sent up has been answered and now it is time to move on.
Some people come into your life for a SEASON, because your turn has come to share, grow or learn. They bring you an experience of peace or make you laugh. They may teach you something you have never done. They usually give you an unbelievable amount of joy. Believe it, it is real. But only for a season.
Sunday, December 16, 2007
Holiday Party

An Ode to the Flat Screen TV
I'm so excited right now. I had to just make a short little blog about it. Cuz its beautiful. And its about damn time I decided to spoil myself with something I've wanted for SOOOOO LONG!! I will definitely be posting pictures of the blessed event as my mom and I took pictures as we unpacked and set it up :-) haha CHEERS!!
Saturday, December 15, 2007
The Holidays are Here
Last night also helped bring the holidays a lot closer to home. I hosted a Christmas party for my closest girlfriends from college and I have to say that it was much needed. I don't think that we had all been in the same room in I can't even remember how long. We sat and talked for hours. Catching up on all the little nonsensical things in our lives as well as all the important parts. Of course drinks were involved...champagne and cranberry juice (Nicole's creation!), and of course a 5-star meal....haha ok maybe not five star but pretty damn close! (I cooked it haha). We had turkey and mashed potatoes and stuffing...almost like thanksgiving but not. And i have to say that i did a pretty damn good job at the food. All homemade :-)
So needless to say last night was a huge success. and a much needed healing time. We definitely need to make it a recurring thing so that we don't all get so far out of touch.
After a fairly late night I got an early morning wake up call from Joe. And I have to say his phone calls have become the favorite part of my day. They leave me with the biggest smile on my face and nothing but happy thoughts. And every phone call brings him closer to SD which makes me even happier!!
Well I need to get to sleep. Tomorrow is a big day. Its date day with my mom :-)
Shopping, Lunch, Movies, and much more. Gotta love Sunday which involve no actual responsibilities. Oh and the thought that Monday isn't going to bring a whirlwind week of work. Well here's hoping to that. Because I've rolled off my 9/30 client and am now hoping for a few weeks of relatively normal hours to regain some sanity.....
nite nite
Wednesday, December 12, 2007
In time for Christmas
And I've also finally started decorating my apartment!!!! :-)
It makes me so happy to see Christmas all around me. All i need now is my christmas tree and a few more christmas decorations. And then i'll be set.
I'm sitting here with my Christmas music blaring as I hang the decorations, and have my fireplace glowing in the background. And the fact that I'm up at 11:30 at night decorating is the best part. This is what staying up late should be about. Enjoying the time of year. Not working yourself to death. So here's to the holidays.
Enjoy the music and treasure the time you have with your friends and family.
I know I will be! My mom gets in tomorrow and is here through the holidays!!!! :-)
So excited to have my family all around me during this amazing time of year. Its my favorite thing!!
Monday, December 10, 2007
Another Week Starts
Supposedly this week is going to be more laid back than last week. We're supposed to be wrapping up on a client and so the work is pretty much done. We're just wrapping up some final paperwork which needs to be done, but hopefully that will require our minimum hours...which I still believe is 50 for the week :-(
but I've probably already jinxed it all by actually believing that its going to be a slow week. Because it being a slow week would mean I'd actually be able to do my other job and show up to dance practice during the week. Which, btw we have another choreographer coming on Thursday and he is amazing! Jaffar...he is Tessie's fiance (tessie was who we had in about a week ago). So I'm absolutely stoked for that, but hopefully I'll be able to make it.
So here is to the start of another week. One I'm not prepared for, but that will hopefully bring some kind of detoxification to my nervous system as I don't think my body can handle much more stress. It needs the next 4 weeks off from a busy client so that I can be somewhat prepared for the start of busy season which is looming over my head.
No more stalling now....back to work
Friday, December 7, 2007
Restless nights
This weekend should prove to be a lot of fun and provide plenty of stress relief. First I have my work holiday party.....which I'm SO excited for. I didn't go last year and wasn't really interested in going, but this year is different. I'm firmly established in my company, i have a lot of friends to share the night with and it should prove to be a VERY fun night
Then sunday we have my dance team's holiday party. And i haven't seen my girls in a week because of my work schedule. I'm looking forward to this one probably even more than the other party. Just because I love these girls so much. They give me so much happiness.
Tonight got me thinking about a lot of things. Which tends to happen to me when I have too much time and nothing to focus my energy on. It had me thinking about love and relationships. About where i want to go in regards to that. Most of my friends from high school are married and with kids. Or like my cousins, they are engaged to be married. I'm one of the last of the cousins of my age to get engaged. And while its kinda sad, i also have no inclination to be in a relationship right now. I'm having absolutely way too much fun in my single life. Plus, I don't have the time to put forth a good effort to making a relationship work. And thats not fair to any man I'd decide to be with. So for now, I'll live my life as is and wait for the day that I finally realize I'm ready. Because if I have to ask myself if I'm ready to be committed than I'm not. The day will come and I'll know it without least thats my philosophy.
Wednesday, December 5, 2007
A good few but so amazing
I'm kinda flabbergasted. HAHA. It was still work, but I felt accomplished today. I had a list of things I needed to get done, and I got almost everything I needed to finished. So I feel a sense of relief flowing over me. Because the end is almost near for this deadline and I can see the light at the end of the tunnel. We're coming through and Christmas is almost here. A couple weeks to relax and I am counting down the days till that time.
So what do you do on a night where you get off work early (as in 8:30pm)....funny how thats early, and you're happy.....hmmm. Thats right, you have a little dinner and you watch Private of my only guilty pleasures these days. So here I am.....relaxing...for once! Thank goodness.
So on a night like tonight I'm saying my prayers and being grateful for whats been given to me. Because even though these days are few and far between....I'll take what I can get. Especially when I've had two good days in a row.
Tuesday, December 4, 2007
Thankful for Small Favors
My morning started by waking up to find a missed call and voicemail from Joe. (he's a marine and is currently deployed in Afghanistan). Until Saturday I hadn't had any kind of correspondence with him in over a month. That was when I got a message from him. Then this morning not only did I get the voicemail, I got another phone call :-)
Talking to him was by far the highlight of my day, and will keep me smiling for a LONG time. We talked for almost an hour and I had forgotten how great a simple phone call could be. And not only did I get the chance to talk to him, but I found out that when he gets back he'll be making his way back to San Diego :-) Best news I've heard in ages.
So needless to say, tonight....I'm a happy girl. No matter all the drama shit going on with work, family and friends.... I'm happy. And Joe....if you're reading me again crazy man! I can't wait to talk to you! =P
Monday, December 3, 2007
A Glass of Wine Cures all
So tonight, I came home. Sat back. And had a REALLY big glass of wine. And I'm contemplating a second. And thats not good. But tonight, of all nights, I need to be able to let go of everything. Because if I don't...... I'm going to push past the edge.....and then there's no looking back.
Sunday, December 2, 2007
The End of the "Weekend" or whatever its called
But on the plus side, I reconnected with a couple weekend this weekend that I haven't spoken to in forever. I got to talk with my high school dance coach who basically served as a second mother to me during my high school days. She always looked out for me and offered me support in ways no other person could. She understands my passion for dance and has always pushed me to be the best I could. She pushes me to challenge myself and to follow my dreams without hesitation. She was the one person I could always turn to and know that when I discussed my ideas of what I wanted to do with my life, that she'd be understanding and supportive. Because she had been there.
I also got in touch with a couple of old friends whom I have not spoken in way too long. And it was nice to have the connection back. To know that there are people out there who understand me, who have seen me grow and understand the person that I am today because of things I've gone through in my past.
The past few months I've started to feel unbelievably alone in the world. Like my friends are disappearing. Not because of fights or disagreements, but just because everyone is involved in their own lives. My group of girlfriends who I have always counted on to be my support team seem to have disappeared. Everyone is wrapped up in relationships, the working world and just life in general. We've gotten so wrapped up in everything else that we forgot to be there for each other. But at least some of us are trying to rectify the situation. Trying to put forth the effort to stay and touch and keep that friendship strong. These are the girls who I have countless memories with and it makes me so sad to think that it might slip away. But again, its about making an effort to keep friendships. Like everything else in life, you can't assume it will always be there. You have to fight for things, work for them.
So thats my resolution....i know its not the new year, but it might as well be. My goal is to keep in touch with the people that matter most to me. I've taken them for granted for far too long and its time to show my friends that I'm as invested in our friendships as they are.
Alright - its time to sit back and relax a little. Enjoy the last few hours of this "weekend".
Saturday, December 1, 2007
Dance is Life
My team had an eight hour practice with one Miss Tessandra Chavez, and can i just say how amazing it was? My body is falling apart right now, but it was SO worth it.
The girls on my team are a constant source of amazement. They worked their butts off today and once the routine is cleaned and polished it will be AMAZING. I can't say enough how proud they make me. It is the best thing in my life these days.
Today was just another confirmation for me that dance is my life. Period. Exclamation Point. Nothing else fulfills me like dance does. Nothing ever has and nothing ever will. And it makes me realize more and more what direction my life needs to go. There are so many things spinning around in my head where dance is concerned and I am excited to actually make efforts to turn my life in the direction I want it to be. You gotta take risks....otherwise you'll regret it later in life.
Alright - well i'm literally going to pass out right about now, but i will do so with a huge smile on my face :-)
Friday, November 30, 2007
Remembering the Day
This was something I posted on another site back on Veteran's day. I know its not a specific holiday, but I thought it was worth a repost. And thats kind of the point of the message. To not forget those fighting for us on your ordinary day. Please take the time to read below, and to remember all of those who are putting their lives on the line for us.
So many people get caught up in day to day activities, in the chaos of their own lives, in trivial and insignificant worries. We get caught up in these things and we forget to recognize the day and pay tribute to those who have given their lives, are continuing to fight, and die so that we can be free to get wrapped up in our own lives.Many Americans have no idea what war is really about. Have never really been touched by it. Have never had a family member or a friend who has been part of a war, whether current or past. They hear about it on the radio, see it on the tv, read books about it, but never truly know what its about. And then there are those of us who live with it every day. Have loved ones currently fighting overseas, have attended the funeral of fallen soldier, who sit anxiously awaiting the day they’ll have to see their soldier walk away to do his/her job. On days like today, Veteran’s Day, many people stop and pay tribute. Even if its just for a second, they stop and remember these soldiers. But is it enough? Shouldn’t we take the time to remember them every day? To say a prayer for them, for their families. So this is my reminder, and my prayer. To those who have lost a loved one, who have loved ones currently fighting, and to those waiting on the day they are called to duty…..thank you for your service. It is only through you that we can live and know what freedom is. God Bless Below is a link to a tribute put together by my friend Nicole. I thought it only fitting to post this for others to view. Please take a second and stop to remember what this day is about.
A Moment to Contemplate
So this week has pretty much been out of control, and tonight is the first time in months that I have truly been able to sit and contemplate things. To finally get some time to try and clear things up in my mind and gain some kind of understanding as to what has been going on.
First we'll just start by clearing the air since Thanksgiving.
Thanksgiving was pretty much perfect. Wednesday we took the client out to lunch and we were able to leave directly after. So starting my Thanksgiving break at 1pm on a Wednesday was considered a huge blessing. That night I went out with some of my coworkers to blow off some steam. What was supposed to start as a simple night turned into a pub crawl. Yes, we did a pub crawl all the way up PB and ended at my favorite place - the Tavern :-) We spent the night dancing and I have to say it has been a VERY long time since I have just been able to enjoy myself.
My mom arrived early Thursday morning and the festivities for Thanksgiving began. Now most people think of Thanksgiving as a day where the women spend it in the kitchen and men spend it watching football. I have to say that in my family the roles have been completely reversed. Especially since my sister landed her amazing husband Nick. Nick is an amazing cook and as such he has been deemed the chef for all of our holiday meals. Which leaves my mom, my sister and I to sit watching football. Gotta love role reversal. It truly is the women in our house that love sports. (You'll have to check my sisters new blog -
So Thursday and Friday went by pretty uneventfully. That is until Friday evening. My sister, her husband, my mom and I were sitting playing a rousing game of CatchPhrase (I say rousing because my sister and I tend to get pretty competitive and things get ugly- haha) when all of a sudden I had the most unbelievable allergy attack. And i DONT have allergies. We ended up calling it an early evening as I was now a very unhappy camper. I took some meds, went home and went to bed. Woke up on Saturday still not feeling so great. It only proceeded to get worse. By Sunday night I was feeling pretty lousy, and by Monday morning I could barely get out of bed.
I spent all of Monday holed up in my room which I turned into a cocoon by shutting out all light, and I slept the day away. I returned to work Tuesday, but not feeling much better. But considering we are in the middle of a year-end audit there was not much to be said about getting more time off. I worked an 11 hour day on Tuesday, and then proceeded to work for almost 36 hours straight from Wednesday morning through Thursday evening. Yes thats right. I arrived Wednesday morning at 8:30 and did not stop working until about 4am. I took an hour nap and then woke up to start my day over, and did not get out until 8:30 Thursday night. Needless to say I'm still recovering from that.
Now this is where I get caught up with my week. I graduated about a year and a half ago from USD and have been working at KPMG since September 2006. Since beginning at KPMG it is needless to say that I have worked some of the craziest hours one could ever work. This week I pulled the third 35-36 hour day in my life. Now I pulled all nighters during my college days, but I have to say that pulling all nighters at work is quite the different scenario. You don't get to take a nap when your test is over the next day, and you can't cut the next class to go relax. You have to keep going. No excuses.
I've always been a hard worker. I'm dedicated and I aim to give 100% almost all of the time. But sometimes you just need a break. And I sit here only a month away from the beginning of another busy season.....wait did the first one ever end? I don't know. Probably not. But I'm trying to keep my head up, and I'm trying to keep a positive attitude. All this while I sit here knowing I have to go in to work tomorrow morning at 8am and work Sunday as well.....head up right?
The only thing getting me through these days is my second job. Yes I said second job. My job as an assistant coach for the dance team at USD has literally saved my life over the last year. Being a part of the team during all four years of college was an amazing experience, but helping coach the girls on the team is truly a dream come true. These girls make me so proud I can't even express it. To know that I have some kind of impact on their lives, no matter how small or big it may be, has been one of the best opportunities of my life. It has been challenging and rewarding and I continue to grow everyday through my experiences with this team.
And tomorrow is a BIG day for this team. Tomorrow we have Tessie coming in to help us with our first ever competition routine. Thats right. Our team is FINALLY getting the opportunity to show others what we're made of. And Tessie is AMAZING! We have an 8 hour dance practice, but it will be SO worth it. To have the opportunity to learn from her, and to have my team members work with her is going to be a huge step for our program. I'm unbelievably excited for it!
So that has been my week. A lot I know. But there are so many other things floating around in my head. But I think I will leave this blog at that. Different topics for a different blog. Love and