
Wednesday, September 28, 2011

The runner's bug....have I caught it?!?!

Now I have to start this post off by reminding everyone that when I started this venture into running a half marathon I HATED RUNNING...I mean I pretty much LOATHED it. I used to watch people running by me around Green Lake thinking, "No one running ever REALLY looks happy to be doing it. That's just STUPID. I will NEVER think to myself at the end of a days I really wish I could go run 5 miles right now. That would feel GREAT!"  Well....3 months into my training I'm sitting here eating my own words. Typical.

I should've KNOWN never to say never. It's like when I used to say "I will NEVER say that all I want is a nice cold beer right now." (Yeah that one was stupid too)...or "I will NEVER like coffee! It tastes like crap!".....Now here I sit an avid coffee drinker, who on a hot Saturday or Sunday afternoon while watching football, or at a baseball game, or just sitting at my house will think DAMN a nice cold beer would be AWESOME! Pass me one please! Yeeeahhhh...obviously I should realize by now that things I say NEVER about ALWAYS go the opposite way.

So here I am now and I'm pretty sure I've caught that runners bug...I've got the runners high. I'm sitting here still 2 months away from my first half marathon and I'm already planning my NEXT races. I'm adding to the list of what can I do next, where will I run?! And it changes on a daily basis at this point.

I've OFFICIALLY signed up for my second half marathon. The Cleveland Rite-Aid Half Marathon on May 20, 2012. I'll be running it with my Uncle Bill, cousin Lizzie, and any of the other cousins/fam that decide to participate :)

But as for the other races..those things are all still being tossed around in my head. Currently the races I'm considering are as follows:

Disney Princesses Half Marathon (Orlando, FL) - February 2012
Nisswa Marathon (Full - in Minnesota) - end of April 2012
Seattle R&R Half Marathon - end of June 2012
Las Vegas R&R Full Marathon - December 2012

Yeah.....lots of races....lots and lots and lots. I'll either stick with the half marathons for the first part of 2012, and then branch out to the Full Marathon NEXT December in Vegas, or I'll eliminate the other half marathons and do the Full in Minnesota...tough choices.

NOT to mention the fact that I'm trying to figure out when I will do my first triathlon now....crazy CRAZY CrAzY!!! The Seattle TriRock (put on by the same crew that does the Rock & Roll marathon series) is Summer of 2012....

Anyway. Needless to say I think the verdict is in and I'm officially addicted. Katie was right...she told me before she left that I would love it. That I just needed to get started and I would be hooked. Well Katie...congratulations on your prediction! It came true! :)

Now the question is...what's next?!

Halfway There!! Rock on!

Can you BELIEVE IT?! I can't!

11 weeks of 21 weeks COMPLETE! Over half way there and ALMOST half way through the mileage. We'll be running the 6 milers for a few more weeks, but then we up to 7 in week 14! And I will OFFICIALLY be over the half point in mileage.


Training Week #11


BUT starting the week we've had a little snafoo....Not sure how but I seemed to have tweaked my right knee a little. I never felt anything weird on my runs or as I was doing yoga or whatnot...but Monday morning I woke up and had slight stiffness and soreness on the inside of my right knee. I was able to stretch it out and it didn't hurt at all on my run so I was thinking it was ok, but as the week progressed the weird feeling in my knee continued.

It never really HURT. Just felt...different.

I did a 4 mile run on Monday and a 3.2 mile run on Tuesday. Didn't push it to 4 on Tuesday because of my knee, and then Wednesday I took the day off to rest it, and only walked on Thursday (albeit 6 miles walked, but at a leisurely pace). And it actually felt GOOD to get my legs going. Warmed up the knee and the pain was gone. It only seems to really feel WEIRD when I've been sitting at work all day, in the cold office building and then get up to move around. Its just stiff.

So after a couple days off it seemed to be feeling a little better, and I was jonesing for a run....I know I should probably rest it more but it didn't seem to be hurting much. But to be careful I went to my local Road Runner sports (my fave store now) and asked the rep about something to help support my knee. I bought a Pro-Tec knee band and strapped it on for my 3.2 miler that night. And the knee felt great throughout the run! No pain no weirdness. And I stretched it super long that evening.

The pain seemed to be even less Saturday morning when I woke up so I'm thinking the band is helping majorly! I strapped it on that morning as me, Jenny and Jillian set off for our 8 mile roundtrip hike to Lake Serene (see Lake Serene post for pics and details). Got through the hike with no real pain in the knee and even went on a leisurely walk that evening to keep the blood flowing through.

Another walk the next morning and then our 6 MILE run that evening. FIRST 6 miler of the training block and finished it with a 9:30min/mile pace! Wahoo! Feels good to know that I'm almost half way up there in the mileage, and now I'm halfway through the training block. The 6 mile run was down on Alki. Which I have to say is surely becoming one of my favorite spots to run. Makes me feel like I'm in San Diego, but keeps me firmly grounded in Seattle as I watch the Seattle city skyline across the Puget Sound. Absolutely beautiful. And to make the run even better it was rounded out because I had Jenny and Jillian both along for the ride. I honestly feel like running with friends is one of the things that gets me through all these training sessions. Gotta stick together right?

At the end of the week my knee is feeling better, much more with the support of the knee band. And I'm hoping that if I continue to take it easy on the knee it will be all good to go. BUT to be safe I've scheduled a full physical on Tuesday, October 4th, just to be safe. Want to make sure the knee and everything else with the body is good and set for the last half of my training. :)

And now for the weekly recap of stats!

WEEK 11 STATS (Sept 19 - Sept 25)

Total Miles Run - 16.6
Total Miles Planned- 18

Long Run - 6 miles
Total Miles Walked - 12
Lake Serene Hike - 8 miles

Training Week #10

Training week 10!!! Holy cow we're almost to the half way point! Can't believe that we're already to this point though. I mean it does NOT seem like I've been training that long. And while it doesn't it does at the same time...but then I can't believe that I STILL have another 11 weeks after this...and yet again I DO believe it. Am I making ANY sense to ANYONE?! Hopefully because I'm pretty sure I don't understand what I just wrote.

Moving on. Week 10 was actually a pretty standard week. So this week I had two 3.6 mile runs, a hot yoga night and then a 5 mile run on Sunday. TWO rest nights this week but only because one of the days I was just BEAT after work and couldn't muster it up to go do anything. Ehh oh well. I've typically been doing 4 runs a week, a cross train and then one rest day. And really my rest days are a walking evening. Because I still like to have movement in my legs. Nothing crazy. Not a high paced walk or anything. Just something to keep the blood flowing and keep me feeling active. I've now started feeling like a loadtoad if I am not out at least walking or something. Gotta feel productive at the end of my day! So I don't feel bad that for one week I took an extra rest day.

The one cross training I DID do this week was hot yoga....and oh let me tell you I LOVED IT. I don't think I've said enough how MUCH I LOVE hot yoga. Well just know that I do. It just works you to the core and cleanses you mind body and soul. I sound hippyish but oh well...I live in Seattle right?! Where all the hippies are.....

This was also coupled with A LOT of walking around on Saturday and Sunday as my friend Rosie came to visit from SD! We went around and saw the sights. Walked Pike Place and just thoroughly enjoyed a relaxed touristy weekend...complete with rain in TRUE Seattle tradition :)

My average pace for the week ranged from 9min/mile to 9:20/mile so things seem to be going pretty well on the pacing side. Not TRYING to go fast at all, just going with what my body tells me. 

And for all you stat keepers out there here's the facts for the week!

WEEK 10 STATS (Sept 12 - Sept 18)

Total Miles Run - 12.2
Total Miles Planned- 12

Total Miles Walked - 3
Hot Yoga Classes - 1

Long Run - 5 miles

Athleta Iron Girl - 5k Race # 2!

My SECOND official race! This one was conveniently located right outside my house at Green Lake. Not gonna lie...this was phenomenal. I was able to wake up early, enjoy the morning without racing around getting ready and then just walk down to the course. Green Lake was SWAMPED! Almost 1500 people in just the 5k....and another 500 or so in the 10k. PLUS there were mother daughter teams signed was Ridiculous....seriously....ridiculous.

I knew going into this that the course would be swamped. I mean, Green Lake on an average day can be hard to maneuver with strollers, bikers, casual walkers, kids playing around etc. Cram 2000 people on the course and its gonna get sticky. Especially when you put everyone on the outer path which is WAY smaller than the inner path. So given all this I knew that this wasn't going to be a course that I could set any kind of PR on. I was just trying to improve upon the last race. That meant RUNNING the WHOLE. FREAKING. THING! (my first race still bums me out to this day....) And then learning from the mistakes I made. Not jumping into the middle group where I'd be forced to up my pace to get around the walkers...etc....

Well this race I did just that. I waited for everyone to go before I started thinking I'd have some clear room...WRONG. Because the course was much smaller of a path, waiting till the end actually on made it WORSE to dodge people. I spent 90% of the race weaving in and out of the groups of people there. Even after I got out of the huge groups you'd have smaller groups just walking or running 5 people wide. Now I know that some of these people are doing it more for just fun and having conversation while they run or whatever....but on such a tight course it was SLIGHTLY annoying.

Not to mention it was a VERY warm day again. Lucky me. Race day seems to have been the time for Seattle to be gorgeous.

BUT I finished the race without walking and made it in about the same time I did my first race. Still at about 30 minutes with a 9:40/mile pace. No PR, but close! Ranking wise I did pretty well too! I ranked 40th out of 210 in my division (age range 25-29), and 40th out of the 1432 5k participants. That means I was in the top 20% of racers my age and in the top 3% of all 5k participants. Not too shabby right??? For my second race I think NOT! I'm pretty sure though that most people participating were more in it for fun than the actual idea of racing or setting great times. So I take the results with a grain of salt....but then I think I'm PRETTY DAMN AWESOME :)

Sorry...ego boost that I had to give myself right there. :)

Check out the race results and my Athlinks profile at the links below!

Athleta Iron Girl 5k Race Results

My Athlinks Account

Training Week #9

After last week's amazing 40 minute 5 miler I started off the training week pretty freaking excited :)

I think the most contagious thing about running for me so far has been the ability to take on new mileage, new running spots and come out successful. There are the every once in awhile snags but for the most part I've been able to conquer the goals I've been setting and thats ALWAYS encouraging. Not to mention I've had the support from my amazing running partner Jenny, as well as friends/family along the way. Running with me, sending love, whatever.

This week was quite the ambitious week as I was taking on my typical mileage PLUS the Athleta Iron Girl 5k. Hitting almost 20 miles in the week is somewhat crazy now that I sit back and look at the mileage I pulled in. Not to mention that 2 of the days were in Minnesota, one day was after being up since 3am to catch a flight back from MN, working that whole day and THEN running, and then doing a 5 miler all by myself. It was a continuous reminder that when you set your mind to something you can do it! And listen to me Miss Suzie Sunshine blah blah blah blah blah... Don't mind me I think it may just be the runner's high! :)

My second 5 miler was nowhere near as impressive as the first, but I put that largely due to the fact that I'd already run 10.5 miles during the week, traveled back from Minnesota and was just tuckered out. Plus I was also running solo. Which, don't get me wrong I love getting out on the road and just running, but I feel I truly push myself to do better when I have my friends with me. It's just a feeling of working toward a goal versus a leisurely run. Totally a mental game (and lets face it we all know I'm a little cooky). One of the MANY mental facets of running I'm still trying to figure out how to overcome. Pushing myself when NO ONE is watching. Tricky tricky tricky I tell ya.

Anyway - the week capped off with the Athleta Iron Girl 5k, which is its own post all on its own so enough about that for now!

Week 9 complete! 12 more to go! Technically this would be where the TRUE Hal Higdon training schedule would start....and I'm right on track. His training schedule suggests you be running 3-5 miles roughly 3-4 times a week at this point and looky looky! That is EXACTLY what I'm doing! Wow...its as if someone PLANNED it that way...oh wait that would be me :)

Happy running!

WEEK 9 STATS (Sept 5 - Sept 11)

Total Miles Run - 18.6
Total Miles Planned- 15.1

Hot Yoga Classes - 1

Long Run - 5 miles

Races Completed - Athleta Iron Girl 5k

End of Summer - Minnesota Style!

Labor Day weekend....the culmination of all things summer....damn it...did i GET a summer this year?! Well given that Seattle's summer only started oh 3 weeks prior to Labor Day it seems weird to already be saying goodbye to it....but such is the life of a Seattlite. 

I was lucky enough this year to be able to jet off somewhere new for Labor Day while being brought back together with old friends. Minneapolis was the destination to visit my fabulous roomie (I refuse to call her my ex-roomie btw) Katie. We may live thousands of miles apart but we are still and will always be roomies :)

By the time I arrived it had been two months since she'd moved back to Minnesota and I think we were both ready for the return of some normalcy....even if we were not in our old apartment and in a completely different state. We were reunited....and it feeeeels so good! Sorry....I'll stop singing...promise!

The weekend was exactly what I had asked for and exactly what the doctor ordered. I arrived Thursday evening and Katie and I made dinner at her house and sipped on some wine, catching up on ALL the things that happened over the last couple months. We'd been saving up all the good stories from our phone convos because we knew that dishing in person would be so much better. 

Friday was a chill day as Katie headed out to work and I used the day to detox from work and life in general. Getting a nice 3.5 mile run in and exploring her neighborhood.....I will say that somehow I got lost on my run (Still not ENTIRELY sure how)....considering it was supposed to be a loop around the lake....only THIS girl could get lost when supposed to be running in a circle :)

We headed north that afternoon to Katie's hometown to enjoy some much anticipated homemade cooking, lake time and family time with the Rasinski clan. The weekend consisted of some true Minnesota activities!! Horseback riding, apple picking, driving tractors, bonfires, a turkey feed, tubing, waterskiing, and just enjoying the amazing outdoors. I honestly can say that this was THE BEST weekend I've had in a VERY LONG time. It was just refreshing to be in a place where you could be out and about, with family, friends, and having a great time. Her family took me in as their own and I cannot tell you how much it warms my heart. Her mom and dad, Dyana and baby C! I love them to pieces. And this whole trip made me miss my roomie very much though! Leaving Minnesota was almost as hard as the day that Katie moved. 

Its brought some serious thoughts about looking at potential opportunities out in Minneapolis...but those are thoughts to mull over in my head for now.

Here are some pics from the weekend festivities!

Training Week #8

Going into this week I had just set TWO new PRs....I was totally jazzed up! Thinking "WOW...I'm running uber fast right now! I have NO idea how this is happening but OK! Lets DO this!"......and then my Monday run happened.

Now I'll just start off and say it wasn't anything bad. I didn't get injured, I didn't do anything badly, my pace was still god (9:23/mile)...but I didn't finish my run. I had set out for my 3.5 mile run after a LONG Monday at work, and knowing I was just a few short days away from heading out to visit Katie in Minnesota. My mind was pretty much just out of whack. I mean WHO could focus when a vacation is coming up?! But I didn't really have a choice and so the day just drained me. Not what I needed when it comes to a run. Also - it was freaking HOT...this is why I don't go running straight after work. I wait till the sun starts going down and things cool off...because I SUCK running in heat.

Well the Monday run only lasted 2.5 miles. And then I just walked it out because my body refused to give me energy to run. First time in the training block that this had happened and it was slightly disheartening. But I chalked it up to the fact that I'd just run two PRs and maybe had pushed it just a little TOO hard.

And I think I was right because the rest of the week was phenomenal. I got two more 3.5 miles completed (one in Minnesota!), and a nice 5 mile walk with one of my favorite KPMGers Kelsey! All in reasonable amounts of time, although my pace dropped to about a 9:50/mile. But I completed the runs and thats all that mattered.

SO then comes my big first 5 MILER! In Minnesota...oh boy. With the running club (Katie, Dyana, Kelsi and Sammy). All of us are signed up for a half marathon (the 4 girls all running in Minnesota, me in Vegas). I already had apprehensions about the 5 miler. It would be my longest distance to date, and I was in Minnesota where I was afraid of the mugginess. Lucky for me it was a pretty cool day when we ran and the muggy really wasn't that muggy. BUT I was also pretty intimidated to run with Katie who has already done a half and is a pretty damn good runner. I had literally told her that she needed to yell at me and keep me going to make sure I completed the 5 miles. I was THAT sure I would have a hard time just getting through it AT ALL.

Well...I knocked myself out of my socks by running that 5 miles in 40 minutes...a freaking 8 MINUTE MILE PACE! I don't believe it idea how it happened...well I'm pretty sure it was due to Sammy our freaking pace setter of the day! But still STUNNED that I actually did it. I mean WHAT?!? It just couldn't be true. BUT it is. So I got to end my week 8 with an amazing PR, not to mention being in Minnesota with my fave roomie ever and her family. All in all it was probably my favorite week of my training to date. :)

WEEK 8 STATS (August 29 - Sept 4)

Total Miles Run - 14.5
Total Miles Planned- 14

Total Miles Walked- 5

New PR: 5 miles in 40 minutes (8 min/mile pace)!!!!!

Training Week #7

So given that I am COMPLETELY behind on my blog posts I'm having to go back through all of my notes on my training calendar to recall WHAT exactly each of the weeks held for me Given that and my stellar memory (and modesty obviously) I'm pretty sure I'll be able to recount each training week as accurately as I possibly can. :)

Week 7 was the week of August 22 - 28...only one week after Alexander was diagnosed with diabetes, and also just happens to be both mom and sister's birthday week. (aka LOTS of good food and celebration).

Going into this week I had the original plan that I needed to kick up my cross training. Add a little more strength training to the schedule so I was building up my non-running muscles outside of my runs....I'll tell you that as I sit now in week 12 I've SOMEWHAT succeeded in this, but only very slightly. I'm still working on integrating the strength training more and more, but its been a slow process to date.

In preparation for this I went and bought some hand weights, kettle bells, jump ropes, etc to aide me in the process. Monday and Wednesday mornings I was GREAT about dragging my butt out of bed at 5:30am and doing my own personal bootcamp out front in the yard across from my place. A great 45 minute workout consisting of 6 stations I'd hit for a minute each, and then doing some stairs and running at the end. But by midweek the waking up at 5:30 was somewhat painful...especially given the fact that it is DARK out at 5:30am now....there isn't the greatest lighting out in front of my place or down by the lake and so getting up to workout in the dark...kinda SUCKS! But I hit my goal of doing it twice this week. GO ME.....and on a side note I haven't done a 5:30am workout since..ha...go me (not so enthusiastically...)

This week marked the last of my 3 mile weeknight runs, and the last of the 4 mile long runs. In week 8 it gets bumped up to 3.5 during the week days and then 5 on the say that the 5 miler is SLIGHTLY intimidating to me is an understatement...AND not to mention my first 5 miler will be in what I expect will be very muggy hot weather...yay...lets just ADD to my excitement or should I say terrifying FEAR....

But the runs went really well. I was easily able to complete all of my 3 mile runs and the long 4 miler on Sunday and I even set 2 new PRs during the week! I ran 9 minute miles on my last 3 miler, and a 9:20 pace for the last 4 miler...NOT BAD! And not gonna lie the runs were a much needed activity this week with the delicious food we were eating for birthday celebrations (Nick's homemade lasagna...OMG, and Amanda's birthday cake....drop dead DELICIOUS!)

Your weekly recap is as follows:

WEEK 7 STATS (August 22 - Aug 28)

Total Miles Run - 12
Total Miles Planned- 12

Total Miles Walked- 6
Total Miles Biked -3

New PR: 3 miles in 27 minutes (9 min/mile pace)

New PR 4 miles in 37:54 (9:23 min/mile pace)

Monday, September 26, 2011

I am still alive and training!

So I have severely slacked off when it comes to updating my training blog! Sorry guys! With the traveling and training and work I've not wanted to be stuck to my computer for the weekend to update....BUT I'm working on it now!

I've got about 7 new entries I'm working on to catch me up to week 11 of my training! Over halfway there!! Yeah baby! I've reached a new goal in mileage....6 miles now as of last night! Yeehaw! And I'm averaging a 9:30 pace on most of my runs now. Only issue to date is a slight tweak of the knee but its doing great and it really only took me off a day of my running.

Will give you more updates on all the things that have happened and all that's on the horizons this week hopefully!
