Now I have to start this post off by reminding everyone that when I started this venture into running a half marathon I HATED RUNNING...I mean I pretty much LOATHED it. I used to watch people running by me around Green Lake thinking, "No one running ever REALLY looks happy to be doing it. That's just STUPID. I will NEVER think to myself at the end of a days I really wish I could go run 5 miles right now. That would feel GREAT!" Well....3 months into my training I'm sitting here eating my own words. Typical.
I should've KNOWN never to say never. It's like when I used to say "I will NEVER say that all I want is a nice cold beer right now." (Yeah that one was stupid too)...or "I will NEVER like coffee! It tastes like crap!".....Now here I sit an avid coffee drinker, who on a hot Saturday or Sunday afternoon while watching football, or at a baseball game, or just sitting at my house will think DAMN a nice cold beer would be AWESOME! Pass me one please! Yeeeahhhh...obviously I should realize by now that things I say NEVER about ALWAYS go the opposite way.
So here I am now and I'm pretty sure I've caught that runners bug...I've got the runners high. I'm sitting here still 2 months away from my first half marathon and I'm already planning my NEXT races. I'm adding to the list of what can I do next, where will I run?! And it changes on a daily basis at this point.
I've OFFICIALLY signed up for my second half marathon. The Cleveland Rite-Aid Half Marathon on May 20, 2012. I'll be running it with my Uncle Bill, cousin Lizzie, and any of the other cousins/fam that decide to participate :)
But as for the other races..those things are all still being tossed around in my head. Currently the races I'm considering are as follows:
Disney Princesses Half Marathon (Orlando, FL) - February 2012
Nisswa Marathon (Full - in Minnesota) - end of April 2012
Seattle R&R Half Marathon - end of June 2012
Las Vegas R&R Full Marathon - December 2012
Yeah.....lots of races....lots and lots and lots. I'll either stick with the half marathons for the first part of 2012, and then branch out to the Full Marathon NEXT December in Vegas, or I'll eliminate the other half marathons and do the Full in Minnesota...tough choices.
NOT to mention the fact that I'm trying to figure out when I will do my first triathlon now....crazy CRAZY CrAzY!!! The Seattle TriRock (put on by the same crew that does the Rock & Roll marathon series) is Summer of 2012....
Anyway. Needless to say I think the verdict is in and I'm officially addicted. Katie was right...she told me before she left that I would love it. That I just needed to get started and I would be hooked. Well Katie...congratulations on your prediction! It came true! :)
Now the question is...what's next?!
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