
Thursday, January 24, 2008

Exciting News! I have some exciting news. Well it is for me anyway.

Back in June 2007 I had auditioned for a hip hop group based out of Poway and we had been practicing once a week until about October. Then the SD fires happened, and ever since we haven't met. I was bummed because it was actually a team that I got to BE on again. To actually dance. And then it disappeared.

But last week I had a friend of mine from that group (he basically ran it) message me and tell me that I needed to come to an audition for a group called Funkanometry. For those who don't know, Funkanometry is a pretty big hip hop group. It was founded out of LA and then branches in both SD and SF have been started over the last few years. Funks SD is about as big as the Culture Shock group I had tried out a few weeks ago.

So anyway, Sunday evening I went to the company class learned the dance and had my audition. The audition ended with them telling the group of us doing it that they would either email or call us to let us know. Needless to say I was very nervous. I mean if anything it was a good experience, but I was really wanting it. So no word Sunday night....but Monday morning I woke up, checked my email, and low and behold there was an email from the director saying that I was one of the newest members of Funks SD :-) AYAYAY! I'm unbelievably excited. And TONIGHT is my first rehearsal...I'll hopefully be learning where we'll be performing and all that good stuff.

I'll definitely be putting posts up as things develop but thats my news....oh and below I've put the video of the tryout on :-)

its on youtube....and if you want you can look up Funkanometry SD and find more videos of past performances to see what they're all about!!