
Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Training Week #7

So given that I am COMPLETELY behind on my blog posts I'm having to go back through all of my notes on my training calendar to recall WHAT exactly each of the weeks held for me Given that and my stellar memory (and modesty obviously) I'm pretty sure I'll be able to recount each training week as accurately as I possibly can. :)

Week 7 was the week of August 22 - 28...only one week after Alexander was diagnosed with diabetes, and also just happens to be both mom and sister's birthday week. (aka LOTS of good food and celebration).

Going into this week I had the original plan that I needed to kick up my cross training. Add a little more strength training to the schedule so I was building up my non-running muscles outside of my runs....I'll tell you that as I sit now in week 12 I've SOMEWHAT succeeded in this, but only very slightly. I'm still working on integrating the strength training more and more, but its been a slow process to date.

In preparation for this I went and bought some hand weights, kettle bells, jump ropes, etc to aide me in the process. Monday and Wednesday mornings I was GREAT about dragging my butt out of bed at 5:30am and doing my own personal bootcamp out front in the yard across from my place. A great 45 minute workout consisting of 6 stations I'd hit for a minute each, and then doing some stairs and running at the end. But by midweek the waking up at 5:30 was somewhat painful...especially given the fact that it is DARK out at 5:30am now....there isn't the greatest lighting out in front of my place or down by the lake and so getting up to workout in the dark...kinda SUCKS! But I hit my goal of doing it twice this week. GO ME.....and on a side note I haven't done a 5:30am workout since..ha...go me (not so enthusiastically...)

This week marked the last of my 3 mile weeknight runs, and the last of the 4 mile long runs. In week 8 it gets bumped up to 3.5 during the week days and then 5 on the say that the 5 miler is SLIGHTLY intimidating to me is an understatement...AND not to mention my first 5 miler will be in what I expect will be very muggy hot weather...yay...lets just ADD to my excitement or should I say terrifying FEAR....

But the runs went really well. I was easily able to complete all of my 3 mile runs and the long 4 miler on Sunday and I even set 2 new PRs during the week! I ran 9 minute miles on my last 3 miler, and a 9:20 pace for the last 4 miler...NOT BAD! And not gonna lie the runs were a much needed activity this week with the delicious food we were eating for birthday celebrations (Nick's homemade lasagna...OMG, and Amanda's birthday cake....drop dead DELICIOUS!)

Your weekly recap is as follows:

WEEK 7 STATS (August 22 - Aug 28)

Total Miles Run - 12
Total Miles Planned- 12

Total Miles Walked- 6
Total Miles Biked -3

New PR: 3 miles in 27 minutes (9 min/mile pace)

New PR 4 miles in 37:54 (9:23 min/mile pace)

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