
Friday, July 15, 2011

Training Day #3

Another run day! :-)

Jenny and I headed to Gasworks Park for our nightly run and went out on the Burke-Gilman trail. It was a beautiful sunny afternoon and running by the water was a wonderful treat. Given I live by Greenlake, but a change in scenery is always a pleasure!

We successfully completed our 1 mile run, improving upon our time from our Monday run. We also ran/walked another 2 miles, going about half and half the remainder of the way. The run seemed a little tougher this day, but I think it was primarily due to my slightly sore muscles from bikram yoga, as well as the fact that the first run day was cloudy and sprinkling :-)

Its going to take time and effort to get through this training program, but the first few days have definitely been motivating. To be able to head out and feel like I'm tackling my goals head on and doing pretty well at them is amazing. It would be slightly harder if I'd started the process and struggled through it. But I know there are many struggles to come along the way. I just have to continue to press on throughout the journey and KNOW that I can DO this!

Motivation baby! Gotta keep your eye on the prize....and mine is SET! Here I come VEGAS!

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