
Sunday, July 10, 2011

Half Marathon - Here I Come!!!

It's Official!!! I have signed up for my first ever HALF MARATHON! Yes thats right! I've signed up for the Rock & Roll Half Marathon in Las Vegas on December 4, 2011. :-)

You all know that I've spent the last year or more working on losing weight. Well I wanted to now start working toward toning up and getting more fit. So now I've decided that I need a new challenge to do this. And that challenge is a half marathon. I've never been much of a runner, but its my new found goal to become one! I've got my training schedule set up, I've looked up nutrition information for how to make sure I'm getting all the right types of food and supplements while I'm training, and the whole program starts TOMORROW!! Whoa!

But I was shy of the MOST important piece of this whole thing....SHOES!! All of my friends who have run one, as well as all the training guides say that the SHOES are the most important piece of your training. So what did I do?! Go shoe shopping of course!! And here are my new pairs!!! (Yes PAIRS)

Yes I got TWO pairs! Why?? Because all the articles I've read say you need to have pairs that you rotate. So thats what I got! I went to Road Runner today and did the ShoeDog tool. Its a tool that measures your balance between left and right, as well as where you place pressure on your feet while you run, and also monitors how you run to see how you distribute weight throughout your run. So from all of this I learned I have VERY high arches, but run very evenly! It was amazing to actually have them be able to tell me which shoes would work best for me, and sculpt inserts for my shoes! The quick runs I did while trying the shoes on in the store felt phenomenal! :)

I'll be putting up posts throughout my training to keep everyone posted on how I am doing! I've got 147 days people!! Time to start rocking and rolling!!!

1 comment:

  1. i am so proud of you! finishing a 1/2 marathon is definitely an awesome accomplishment. happy training! :)
