
Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Training Week #4

This last week's training is something I feel is a testament in my ability to be versatile and stay true to my training schedule. The week began as all other training weeks have been so far. My Monday night run with Jenny for a solid 2 miler. Tuesday night, no Bikram this week unfortunately as I was working on getting packed for my trip down to San Diego, the 3 day trip up the coast with mom, and had limited time to get prepped. So instead I pulled another running night, and did 2 miles around Green Lake on my own. Had to say I was proud of myself. When running on my own I tend to be a little less focused and sometimes find it harder to stay on track. But I did the whole two miles on my own! Yay for me!

Wednesday was my travel day, and so no work out (felt REALLY weird!). But since I missed my run on the previous night, I was determined to make it up. So I woke up at the crack of dawn and was on the road running by 6:45am. I hit the downtown SD waterfront and did another 2 mile run. Let me tell ya something ladies and gents, SD is WAY different than Seattle. It was much more humid and it definitely felt more strenuous to run there. But I pulled it out and did the two miles. Give it I was at a much slower pace, but it got done! I also pulled in my cross training as I normally would on a Thursday, and did it by doing an hour and a half dance class with my fave Bridgie! :)

And then we hit the road for the 3 day coastal adventure....14 hour day on the road Friday. (thank GOD it was my rest night!!). Then Saturday am before we hit the road again I went and ran a mile on the treadmill at the hotel, and did another 5-10 minutes of walking (including going backwards on an incline - oh my buttox is going to look FAB!) Then another 9 hours of driving up the coast. Sunday after a short 3 hour drive I spent the day recooping (2 hour nap man!) and then hanging with the fam. Then met up with Jenny for our 3 miler run that evening.

Almost every night was against what I'd done the last 3 weeks, but I pulled it out and it felt good. To know that my week could go topsy turvy and that I could maintain my progress, and even go further. The 3 miler on Sunday actually felt the best so far, and thats on top of how tired I was from the whole weekend.

And now - I sit looking over the next 17 weeks (yes SEVENTEEN!) and there are no more easy 1 or 2 mile runs. Its 3+ miles from here on out. Its scary, but at the same time invigorating. To know I've completed a solid MONTH of training. And still feel like I'm going strong. So cheers to me and to my fabulous running partner Jenny! We're trucking on and not looking back!

Month 1 - COMPLETE!
Total Miles Run - approximately 30
Total Miles Walked - approximately 10
Total Mileage Completed - 40

I'll report back on what our average mile time is. Just don't have it with me at the moment! :)


1 comment:

  1. You are awesome! I love hearing about new runners and their training experience. Best of sounds like you are kicking butt!!
