
Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Training Week #3!!

I'm alive I swear! And still VERY actively training!

Unfortunately, I've beena  little slow on the blog, mainly because I don't have functioning wireless internet at my house right now. Working on getting it all fixed up, but until then the blog posts might be a little slower than normal! I apologize!

Anyway! Getting to the REAL reason you're here. To read about my training week! And to sum it all up nice and pretty for you here we go!

Miles Run: 7
Miles Walked: 2
Total Mileage: 9 miles
Longest Run: 3 miles!

Bikram Classes Attended: 2
Trails Hiked: Rattlesnake Ledge (roundtrip 4 miles)

I currently don't have all my mileage time (averages and such) handy, so I'l have to update the post later to show all that goodness! But typically our run is average about 9:30 or so, and our first 3 mile run we were able to keep an under 10 minute mile pace! Wahoo! I think its pretty phenomenal if I do say so myself!

Overall the running has started to get a little bit easier. There were definitely times throughout the week that I thought "Holy CRAP woman! WHAT are you doing?! Just STOP! Walk! I can't go any further!" But, my motivation seems to be helping me push through those times. Along with my amazing run partner. I honestly don't think I'd be able to do all that I have if I didn't have Jenny running with me. We motivate each other to keep hanging on!

And I know that there will be rough times throughout. I mean, come ON! I'm only doing a 3 miler as my LONG run right now. And I have to add 10 MILES!?! We've got major work to do here folks. Just hoping that as I continue this journey the motivation keeps going. It also helps to know that I have the support of my friends and family. I can't tell you how much I absolutely LOVE getitng emails, facebook posts, comments here on the blog, etc. They are what keeps me going through the process. They are my fuel. So keep 'em coming!! :-)
And then there is Bikram. I have to tell you when I started Bikram Yoga I thought I would HATE it. I mean every fiber of my being was thinking "you're crazy!" Who would possibly like getting in 105 degree room at 40% humidity and doing yoga? Well, I'm here to tell you that I've converted. I love it! There is something about going into that room that just makes everything better. I think I've said this before, but there's no room for CRAP in there. You leave your problems at the door because the 90 minutes you're inside that room all you can do is focus on your breathing, focus on the poses, focus on you. And I feel like focusing on ME for 90 minutes in one night, three times a week, is a heck of a lot more than most people give themselves in a month. Of really having true and total focus on yourself. Can you say you've given yourself that lately?

So that's my training week #3. Only 18 more weeks left till race time! holy crap thats a long ways away! ha.
But till then I'll keep rockin and rollin! :)

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