
Tuesday, November 1, 2011

My 30 Day Bikram Challenge

I was only about a week into my true "No Run" ruling by my doc, and about 2-3 weeks into my seriously cut back running schedule when I hit a breaking point. Although I'd started to hit up the gym and do more weights and other types of training, my mind and body were both feeling a little less than happy. I wasn't getting nearly the workout I wanted, or was used to at this point. These days I'm used to getting home and running at least 4 miles, or going out and doing the bike, hitting up yoga class, or SOMETHING. And while I've been hitting up the bike and elliptical at the gym, it just wasn't the same because I didn't have those 3-4 times a week where I was able to get out and run.

Running has become a huge cathartic activity for me. It allows me to get out and workout my frustrations with the road, to feel challenged, to have a goal to strive for. And lets face it....if you know me you know that I'm goal driven. That I do best when I have something to aim for. Because I'm a very determined person. I don't like failing. And we saw what happened after college when I all of a sudden did not have a clear set goal path in front of me. I became lazy, I put on weight and became a generally unhappy person. 

Well I'm determined not to let that happen again. Now, let me just say first off that I KNOW I may be a little overworried at this point. REALISTICALLY I know that having to stay off my running schedule for a few more weeks won't kill me and won't dredge me back to the horrible place I was a few years ago. I really DO know this. Especially since I have been keeping up my good eating habits, and my other workouts. BUT, I also know the difference between how I feel when I'm really happy and when I'm not, and how thats affected by the amount of activity I'm getting on a daily basis. 

SO I was in search of something that might give me a new goal for the time being while I heal my knee, and rehab myself into better running shape. Low and behold I already had my answer. I'd received it at the beginning of my training by a good friend of mine (Miss Bulgatz). Bulgatz and I had started talking about training activities for my half way back at the beginning of my training in July. She'd done a couple half marathons before and told me how much easier her second training had gone when she'd added Bikram yoga to the mix, and that was after she'd just finished a 30 day Bikram challenge (doing 30 classes in 30 days - no days off).

Now I'd already been doing bikram/hot yoga on and off throughout my training. I mean you all should know considering HOW MANY times I'm pretty sure I've told you that I LOVE hot yoga. That WAS me right? I said that? I'm not just pretending I'd written that somewhere? Or am I?

Well, 4 months later we come full circle and I started talking to her about it again. And I thought more and more about it. It really made sense. 30 days of going to a class that is fully focused on stretching and strengthening your entire body (and mind might I add). It seemed like JUST what I needed. A brand NEW focus to keep me going and challenged, as well as something that will help strengthen me toward my end goal of doing my half marathon. BINGO! Ding ding ding ding ding! We have a winner. 

So today I sit here on day 6 of my Bikram challenge. Yes I've almost completed the entire first week successfully (woohoo)! And I won't lie to you its been challenging. And I know it will only continue to be challenging as I go on. BUT in the 5 classes I've taken so far I feel happier on a daily basis, I feel more focused, I feel stronger, and my flexibility has already improved dramatically from day 1. The 30 days ends on Tuesday, November 29th. This little plan takes me directly through Thanksgiving (which I think is a complete blessing!). Not only will it keep me focused/balanced, it will help me survive the first of the holidays this season without going overboard. 

I can't wait to see what the rest of the challenge brings my way, and how I feel at the end given how I feel after just this first week.

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