Tuesday rolls around and Jenny and I headed out around Green Lake for a nice 4.5 mile run (since when do I think this is NICE?! I remember when I looked at the 1 mile on my schedule like a death trap!). Felt great the whole time until about the last mile. Started feeling a slight bit of tightness in my outer left knee. Nothing too crazy but it was definitely uncomfortable. The following day when I woke up it continued to give me some slight irritation, and so for my own well being I decided not to push it the rest of the week. Didn't run Wednesday, Thursday, and then Friday/Saturday when my leg felt better I only went out for a walk.
I will tell you that this SUCKED. After the training program I've been on for over 3 months having 3-4 days of pretty much NOTHING was just plain annoying. I felt trapped in the house, needed to have SOMETHING going on. It was just playing tricks on my mind!! But I know that pushing through an injury is not always a great idea.
So Sunday morning rolls around and my knee is feeling good. No pain and so I headed out for my long run. Another 7 miler. I headed out and everything felt great. Around 1.5 miles in I felt a slight twinge in my left knee again, but it quickly passed and I continued on the run. Come to mile 3 and I have a pretty consistent twinge. Nothing major, nothing that makes me think whoa this hurts BAD I NEED to STOP! I get right at the start of mile 4, and my knee buckles slightly....and the pain starts. With this I stop....I walk it out a little and its got a pretty steady pain going through. I try stretching it, and then a slight jog....still painful. So I stop.
Heading home to ice and elevate.....severely PISSED off. I mean come on! WHAT is going ON!? I'd rested it, I'd iced it, I'd elevated, stretched....everything I could do to give it time to recoop. And now its worse?! And what ticks me off even more is that overall I felt GREAT on the run. My stomach was great, my heart rate was great, breathing great, felt energized and ready to go! But my damn knee had different thoughts in mind.
And I kinda wallowed in this for about an hour. Getting upset that after ALL of my hard work this was going to set me back. But I reminded myself that I had 6 weeks till race day. Better to rest it now than make it worse and really count myself out. So I bucked up and figured out an alternative. What could I do to keep myself from going stir crazy, get in a workout to keep up my cardio endurance so when I start running again I don't keel over. The Gym! Week 15 here I come!
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