
Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Training Week #4

This last week's training is something I feel is a testament in my ability to be versatile and stay true to my training schedule. The week began as all other training weeks have been so far. My Monday night run with Jenny for a solid 2 miler. Tuesday night, no Bikram this week unfortunately as I was working on getting packed for my trip down to San Diego, the 3 day trip up the coast with mom, and had limited time to get prepped. So instead I pulled another running night, and did 2 miles around Green Lake on my own. Had to say I was proud of myself. When running on my own I tend to be a little less focused and sometimes find it harder to stay on track. But I did the whole two miles on my own! Yay for me!

Wednesday was my travel day, and so no work out (felt REALLY weird!). But since I missed my run on the previous night, I was determined to make it up. So I woke up at the crack of dawn and was on the road running by 6:45am. I hit the downtown SD waterfront and did another 2 mile run. Let me tell ya something ladies and gents, SD is WAY different than Seattle. It was much more humid and it definitely felt more strenuous to run there. But I pulled it out and did the two miles. Give it I was at a much slower pace, but it got done! I also pulled in my cross training as I normally would on a Thursday, and did it by doing an hour and a half dance class with my fave Bridgie! :)

And then we hit the road for the 3 day coastal adventure....14 hour day on the road Friday. (thank GOD it was my rest night!!). Then Saturday am before we hit the road again I went and ran a mile on the treadmill at the hotel, and did another 5-10 minutes of walking (including going backwards on an incline - oh my buttox is going to look FAB!) Then another 9 hours of driving up the coast. Sunday after a short 3 hour drive I spent the day recooping (2 hour nap man!) and then hanging with the fam. Then met up with Jenny for our 3 miler run that evening.

Almost every night was against what I'd done the last 3 weeks, but I pulled it out and it felt good. To know that my week could go topsy turvy and that I could maintain my progress, and even go further. The 3 miler on Sunday actually felt the best so far, and thats on top of how tired I was from the whole weekend.

And now - I sit looking over the next 17 weeks (yes SEVENTEEN!) and there are no more easy 1 or 2 mile runs. Its 3+ miles from here on out. Its scary, but at the same time invigorating. To know I've completed a solid MONTH of training. And still feel like I'm going strong. So cheers to me and to my fabulous running partner Jenny! We're trucking on and not looking back!

Month 1 - COMPLETE!
Total Miles Run - approximately 30
Total Miles Walked - approximately 10
Total Mileage Completed - 40

I'll report back on what our average mile time is. Just don't have it with me at the moment! :)


A Coastal Voyage!

It has been nearly two years since I've made my move to the Pacific Northwest. TWO years?! Already!? I feel like I just got here yesterday. There can't possibly have been two years that have lapsed that quickly! But yet its the truth. As evidenced by my nearly 2 year old nephew Alexander who was born just one month after I moved up here.

To say that the last two years have been a rollercoaster would be an understatement, but I feel like I've gotten my footing and am thoroughly enjoying this life I've created for myself. Now to say whether or not my life will stay put in Seattle is hard to say. I've definitely still got the itch to experience life in more cities (New York, Chicago, London, etc.) I could absolutely see myself continuing to skip around states for awhile. There's so much to see and live and experience I almost can't stand it! But all that will come soon enough!

I do know that for at least the next couple of years I will be staying put in Seattle, and that is largely due to the fact that the majority of my immediate family is here. My sister, brother-in-law, nephew.....AND now offiically my MOM! :-)

That is right folks. After this past weekend my mother is now officially moved to Seattle, and needless to say Amanda and I are thrilled to have her here with us. This has been a long time coming (at least 2 years worth of discussion - since I made the move up here). With both daughters and her grandson up here, the logical choice for her was to move close to us. So thats exactly what she did!

I met mom down in San Diego on Thursday, and starting Friday morning we headed off in her little Hyundai and made the coastal voyage up to Seattle. It took 2 1/2 days of driving, lots of quality time, bathroom breaks, hilarious picture taking opportunities, some not so funny traffic jams, but we made it! With all of our hair in place, limbs firmly attached to our bodies, no scrapes or scratches, and the car in one piece! All in all a successful trip!

And now, mom is settling in with me at my Green Lake townhome. Given that my roommate moved to Minneapolis and I was in need of someone to fill the second room until my friend Jillian could move in at the end of her lease, it just happened to work out perfectly that mom was moving up at the time she did. I'm so excited to have her close by and be able to have her around full time! Its amazing how the powers that be can line everything up in a way you don't quite understand at first, but that once you pay attention unfold into the most intertwined series of events!

SO! Now to recap the beautiful journey we took of the coast!!

Day 1 - Coastal California!

Mom and I were on the road by 5am from San Diego! Yes 5am...and for those who know me I am NOT a morning person...AT ALL! But with coffee in hand we headed off on a drive up the California coast. First destination was Concord, CA (About an hour south of Sacramento). It was an estimated 10 1/2 hour drive for the first day!

I took the drivers seat for the first day and we drove up the 1 for majority of the day. Taking our time and enjoying all of the coast. Stopping for breakfast in Pismo Beach, and along the way for little stops and pictures. Mom was in charge of the camera.....needless to say the first days pics were of the inside of the car, her knee, a missed sign :)

I have to give her major crap for it too because its what I do best! I believe the first line in a daughter's job description is to torture her parents mercilessly...and I take my job VERY seriously!

Don't worry though! I've discarded those photos and left those that were discernable here in the blog :)

All in all the day was absolutely amazing. Beautiful scenery, great conversation, limited traffic.....that is until 5pm when we hit the Oakland area....UGH! Let me tell you it took us an hour and a half to go 40 miles...Northern California I HATE YOU!.....California reminded me in just ONE day about how I LOVE it and HATE IT! But we survived....barely. With our stops in Pismo Beach, other spots, and the traffic, we didn't arrive until about 7pm that evening. 14 hours later we enjoyed a beer at dinner and hit the hay early!

Day TWO! Oregon Bound!

We started day two off much happier than we ended day one (Stupid effing traffic!!!). Especially with coffee in hand! Day two was split drivingwise between my mom and I. She started the day finishing up the rest of California, and I took over once we hit Oregon.

I have to say that day two proved to be not as breathtaking on the scenery scale, but no traffic was a HUGE blessing. AND mom and I put our foot down and shaved off a total HOUR or more off the estimated drive time. We left at 8:30am and arrived in Portland by 6:30pm, and this included an hour rest stop for lunch and gasing up (FYI - Oregon is a state in which you CANNOT pump your own gas....remind me NEVER to move there because OH MY WORD...20 minutes to get gas...REALLY PEOPLE?!

Anyway - Concord to Medford took about 5 hours, and then I took the wheel and made it from Medford to Portland in 4 hours. Crazy how the California coast took us approximately 16 hours to drive....Oregon - a mere 4 1/2. WHOA

The mountains along the way though were some of the most gorgeous I've seen, and mom thoroughly enjoyed the downward slopes throughout the drive. Again - at the end of our drive we stopped in Portland for a nice dinner and a beer of course.

ALL the crap in the car! AHHH!!!!

Can you tell that I was in charge of the camera at this point?! :)


starting to get goofy.....

wait....Phoenix?! I thought we were in OREGON!?


Day 3! The final HOURS!

Heading out on our final day, mom took the wheel! Mostly because I wanted to make sure I got good photos of the last pieces of our trip.....sorry mom but its the truth :)

The trip from Portland to Seattle is a very short sweet trip. 3 hours in total (we made in just under 3....speed demons that we are!) And along the way I actually found a LARGE stretch of freeway thats 70 mph! HOLY CRAP?! that happens in WASHINGTON?! the SLOWEST state EVER?! I got pictures to evidence it don't you worry!

Anywho - we made the trip in and immediately found ourselves breakfast at the nearby bar and grill...along with Mimosas to celebrate!

It was a huge accomplishment! Not only to get mom up to Seattle...but I realized during the trip that I have now driven the entire west coast...from the Mexico border to the Canadian Border! Pretty awesome if you ask me! But cheers to new adventures to come! So glad to have you with us mom! I love you and am so glad we made the trip together!


I'm ready to get this show on the ROAD!

Goofy times again...go figure

First views of her new city!

Welcome to Seattle!

Mom was camera shy at the end of the trip....but CHEERS!

And me...I'm the ham...SMILE and CHEERS!

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

And the RACEs are ON!!!

So in my preparation for the upcoming half marathon there are a handful of 5ks/10ks that I’m looking at participating in. This will get me more used to the idea of race day, and how to prepare mentally and physically the day of the race. I mean, even if I train every day and am doing the work, come race day if I don't know how to pace myself with all the race day adrenaline, or eat the way I'm supposed to etc., its gonna be rough!

I’ve put the name of the run, the distance, the date and the website for each of the runs below. I wanted to put them out to see if anyone would be interested in participating in them with me, and so you can also keep track of all the races I'm doing! Plus its always more fun with a group of people!

You can do one, none or ALL! Just wanted to share the love! I've officially signed up for the first two runs listed (Covey and Athleta Iron Girl!) WOOHOO!!
Happy running!!

Covey -5K Fun Run (in Woodinville – starts and ends at Redhook Brewery)
Saturday, August 20th

Athleta 10k/5k Run (Doing the 5k here!) – Green Lake!
Sunday, September 11th

Project Athena 10k run – Marymoor Park
Saturday, October 1st

Dawg Dash 10K/5K (doing the 10k here!) (UW Stadium!)
Sunday, October 23rd

Green Lake Gobble (5k) – at Green Lake (obviously!)
Sunday, November 20th

Summer has ARRIVED! At least we hope!

Seattle is well known for the cloudy, overcast, rainy weather that dominates the skies for a majority of the year. Now contrary to what most people think, Seattle is not USUALLY that bad. It's not a place where it dumps rain EVERY day. Most of the time its got some overcast skies, with misty rain. Nothing that can't typically be handled by the average person.

Now obviously, in the March/April timeframe after a good 6 months of mostly overcast skies (even if its NOT raining), most Seattlites search out some vacation to a sunny destination to get a fix of vitamin D. Its a much needed weapon to combat the gray skies of Seattle. But summers here are what every Seattlite surges through the gray fall/winters for. The gorgeous clear skies, fresh air, sun that bounces off the MANY waterfronts around the city. On a clear sunny day there is NO OTHER place to be than out enjoying the city of Seattle.

Well..that is true MOST of the time. But this year has been SLIGHTLY different. Even from the most veteran Seattle resident I have heard the "This is NEVER gonna end! I need OUT! Is summer EVER coming?!" Rants. It was even so bad that by the end of July an article surfaced about how much true summer weather Seattle had incurred this year (with summer weather being designated above 80 degrees). That total was 78 minutes...and if you dropped the standard to 75....a whopping 18 hours! Not even a DAY! Holy crap I was thinking I'd pass out from reading what I already knew to be the ugly truth.

But, Seattle surprised us over the last week or so, and has given us about a WEEK of consistently sunny and upper 70 degree weather! Holy COW is it TRULY summer?!? Well, we shall see about that! Because as soon as I decided to write this lovely little post....Seattle decided maybe not. Cloudy overcast skies have returned, and we've been in the low 70's during the day, but by mid evening we're sunny skies and pretty decent weather.

Now that we're closing in on the middle of August....and what most begin to feel like the end of summer (Labor Day), we shall see if we get a late summer, or if it skips us all together.

Although....I'm already somewhat ready for hats and scarves and coats...the beauty of changing leaves and the glory that fall bestows upon the Emerald City. But I'll keep my mouth shut for fear of being stoned by those still patiently (or impatiently as the case most likely is) awaiting the arrival of summer.

Danielle's Visit to the Emerald City

One of my very BEST friends from back home (and by home I mean Vegas) came to visit the little place we like to call the Emerald City a couple weekends ago. It was a last minute trip decision, but I have to say it was one of the best weekends I've had in a VERY long time!

It was amazing to be able to have someone who has been in my life for so long come up and see what my life is like now. To see my new city and see all of the changes that are going on. Most of all, I love the fact that I can have one of my best friends come up, someone I haven't seen in over a year, come up and have it be as if NO time has passed. We are able to pick up and be the friends that we've been all along. And I am truly blessed to have someone in my life like that.

Our weekend was jam packed full of sightseeing and good times. We did the usual spots - Pike Place Market, the Waterfront, Alki Beach, Green Lake, Seattle Center and Space Needle etc. But we got to do a lot of things that not all of my usual visitors get to do. We were able to catch a free concert down on the waterfront (along with some TASTY bloody marys!), kayaked Green Lake, hiked Rattlesnake Ledge, wine tasting in Woodinville, and just relax and enjoy some BEAUTIFUL Seattle summer weather.

Danielle told me on more than one occasion that I'm crazy. (in a good way I think) Mostly because of how much we ran around while she was there. Pretty sure she told me I probably get more done in a day than she does in a week or month because I walk so damn fast. What can I say?! I like being on the go now! :)

Anyway - I have to thank Danielle for coming up and making it such an amazing weekend. It honestly was EXACTLY what I needed. An amazing friend to take my mind off the many things that have been running rampant around me. To allow me to just be me and enjoy myself, my friend and my beautiful city.

Love you lady!

Added some pictures below of my favorite moments :)